118a Kazatskaya street, Kyiv
Our address:
118a Kazatskaya street, Kyiv
Working hours
Store Hours:
  • Mon-Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Sun: Closed

Privacy Policy

Security Policy

Welcome to the SoftPal Security Policy. We do everything we can to ensure your privacy and protect your data. Read our security policy to find out how we process and protect information:

Data protection

We take all necessary measures to protect your personal information and payment data.


All data transmitted through our website is protected by SSL encryption, ensuring security during information exchange.

Privacy of Payments

We do not store credit card or other payment information. All payments are processed using secure payment systems.

License Keys

License keys are sent to you in encrypted form, ensuring their security during delivery.

Access to Data

Access to your personal data and orders is limited and monitored to ensure confidentiality.

Safety measures

We use security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access and use.

Update Policy

The security policy is reviewed and updated to reflect changes in legislation and technology.

Thank you for your trust! If you have any questions or concerns about security, please contact our support team.