118a Kazatskaya street, Kyiv
Our address:
118a Kazatskaya street, Kyiv
Working hours
Store Hours:
  • Mon-Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Sun: Closed

Payment and Delivery Information - SoftPal

Learn about secure payment processes and efficient shipping services for your software. Choose a convenient payment method and get the key quickly.

Select the product and click the "buy" button. Fill in the fields and click "pay online":

- Telephone

- E-mail

- Promo code (if available)

Choose any convenient payment method:

1. ApplePay

2. GooglePay

3. Visa / MasterCard

4. BinancePay

5. CryptoPay

6. LiqPay

After payment, the key will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the payment form. If the email is not in the "Inbox" folder, check the "Spam / Promotions / Mailings" folders.

In the letter you will receive:

  • License key
  • Link to the official distribution
  • Detailed instructions and accompanying information

Delivery of boxed versions:

When purchasing the boxed version of the product, the order will be sent by the "Nova Poshta" courier service on the next working day. Delivery throughout Ukraine is free!


The warranty is provided as part of the warranty obligations of the vendor and the right holder of the product and is provided either indefinitely or on a subscription basis in accordance with the terms of the license. The online store "" provides indefinite technical support for any product purchased on our website. For technical support, you can contact our technical service or the technical support of the vendor of the purchased product.